Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Promise

Our flawless bond
As two became one
A starry night
with no fright

Time became so still
Our hearts filled
You and I
Are here and now  

We are beautiful
Regardless of flaws
As darkness falls
We stand tall
Eyes piercing in our hearts
From reckless starts

We survived
Running from ephemeral
Who chase us down
Aurora sings our future
But we are too scared to hear
Not knowing our path    

But we are here now  
That's all that matters now
Embrace me
As we go together

My promise to you
Is my love

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Happy Lies

Let us dance with the leaves 
As they dance in the wind 
Let the wind paint a picture 
That my soul yearns for 

My soul is set on fire 
For my body to be warm 
From the cold 
That was caused by the world 

As water becomes blood
That I'm force to drink 
In order to survive 
This cruel world

Hope is not given 
Leaving the rest of us 
The Worthless and Lifeless
To die slowly off 

I remember the lies 
That made me happy
I felt safe 
But, I wasn't 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sun's Kiss

As my eyes bloom to a flower
Wit my arms coming to life as snakes
Dancing in the night

Today is morning
Morning takes me with a smile
As my heart howls at the sun

For my heart as been in the night for too long
Desiring the sun's kiss
For warmth to take my soul

As my feathers grow for me to fly
Wind holds me
Taking me to the sun's kiss

Leaves are now my skin
As flowers are my eyes
They grow each day
With the suns kiss

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I Miss You

I can't stop thinking about you
Your eyes howl at my moon
With the stars singing 
At your presence 

I can't stop thinking about you
With all the grins we share
All the flowers that we made 
That bloomed 

I can't stop thinking about you
As your sun warms my heart 
Your rays cover my body 
With a sweet scent 

I can't stop thinking about you
With the brown of your sight
As they paralyze me 
With just one glaze

I can't stop thinking about you
Black waves of your hair 
I touch with my hand 
Moving it to see your sun

Monday, November 9, 2015

Your Dream and My Nightmare

You are a monster
You destroyed my trust
Again and again you rip me apart

Your roar breaks my glass eyes
Blinding me from who you truly are
As if I'm in a dream

Your dream
And my nightmare  
The nightmare goes

With my hands struggling to block the screaming
I feel I'm going insane
Forgiving you over and over again

I can't do this
You hurt me long enough

With your lies
That I kept believing  
Yet it hurts even more to leave you

I miss you
But then again I don't
Because it was your dream and my nightmare

Walking Away

I walk away
From the screaming
From the hurt
That you caused

I walk away
As you beg
For me to forgive
For all the wounds you made

I walk away
Wanting to pull out my heart
So I will stop hurting
And feeling

I walk away
From the repeating stabbing
As I bleed
And die from the inside

I am walking away
And I'm free

Friday, November 6, 2015

Through the Window

Looking through the window
Seeing the moon and stars say good night
Looking at the moon grinning so hard
He knows
As the rainbow fades away
Seems that's what only appears is black and white
No in between, no gray
I miss seeing red, blue, yellow, and green flying by
Now it's just trees that are naked
Faces come and go
Green is dying
Sun hides in fear of the moon
All of this
By looking through the window

Broken Chest

You broke my chest
As your tongue pierced my heart
My love for you was not enough
For you to stop your wicked tongue

You broke my chest
As the blood fell in my eyes
Blinding me
For forever seeing you as a demon

You broke my chest
I try to wrap up my wounds
With myself
But nothing seemed to work

You broke my chest
Fire burning that was once good
That is now bad
I'm now left with burnt pieces

You broke my chest
I'll never be able to forgive you
For all that you have done
Now I'm left with a huge scar
That you made

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I'll Walk With You

It starts always so innocent 
It says it's a joke 
Then the joke becomes a rumor 
The rumor says it's true 
Then the lie starts growing 
And growing 
The lie becomes a fact 
Then all the hurtful words start to pour on you
It's raining words 
That pierce you
As the words come forward 
Its hand grabs your throat tightly 
Then stabs your lungs
You're almost out of air 
Why don't I just give up? you say
But somewhere inside you
Says no, you're worth it 
You're loved 
You're accepted 
Look around you 
You are worth it
You will get through this
Take my hand 
I'll walk with you 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Thoughts

My mind is paralyzed 
By the thoughts 
Of how I'm not worth the life I breathe
As tears paint my face 
Shaking my head back and forth
To get a chance to think of something else
I'm blinded by self doubt
As I tremble forward 
Trying to move on
I fall down to my bruised knees 
I shriek until I can't anymore
It seems that I care more about my thoughts
Than myself 
As the sun burns my skin
The flowers die in my hand
My bone are heavy from the pain
I can't move anymore
Help me!
With a small voice says you are worth more than heaven's treasures
My chains are broken 
Sun doesn't sting 
And the burden on my heart is gone 

Write Love on Her

She is confused

She thinks she is ugly 
He thinks she is worth more 

She wants to end her life 
When he can't live without her

She cries until there are no more tears 
He holds her as long as he can 

She loves him
Because he writes love on her 

Everyday in the mirror 
She will see his love on her 
She is happy 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Light into Dark

Good-bye Sun
For I won't see you again 
Good-bye light blue sky 
I'm not coming back
Moon will be my light now 
The navy blue sky, my background 
The flowers that once were colorful
Are brown, dry, and wilted away
The trees that once were filled with fruit and green leaves
Now are bare and lifeless
That is what I feel
I am an angel that turned into a demon 
I don't recognize this forest
I don't recognize myself

I Will Wait

Wait, and he shall come
My eyes haven't see 
Not my mind had imagined 
One detail of him
For love is not a treasure to be found 
It simply will bloom when the time comes
My life is Yours, Oh God!
And his shall be too
My love will come from You
For my sinful love can not satisfy his heart
There is no two in a partnership 
But three
For when I have waited 
And when he comes
We shall praise You
And become one in Your presence 
But for now, I shall wait 
For this is not my life 
This body is not mine 
And You have blessed me with it
I shall be impatient 
I know I will 
Lord, give me the strength to wait
For him
Because I know he is waiting for me 
I will be faithful to him
And I will wait 
For him

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Good Kind of Bad

No one knows my story
Only parts of it
Can you hear me?
Well, I have one question for you
Where were You?

Where were You?
Ugly and fat
They showed a mirror of myself
Saying I wasn't worth it

Where were You?
When my love started to describe me as a toy
That he could play with when whenever he wanted to
No permission needed to him

Where were You?
When I shrieked at the top of my lungs
In overwhelm of the pain
When I past my limit

Where were You?
When I had to leave my home and friends
I cried for days an days
Yet no response

Where were You?
When all the ones I trusted
Were soon lost
And I was alone

Where were You?
Tears became blood

Blood painted my arms
It helped me in a way
Because sometimes you need the bad
To know what was good.

This is a Story

This is a story
About everything and everyone
We are all writing our stories
Each day we continue our story
Because it is our decision
To write what happens next

This is a story
Writing about all the hurt and betrayal
The tears that fall
The crisis that rises
Wondering if there will be an ending
To all this pain

This is a story
Each chapter is a new beginning
A new change
Each book is a person
We are all stories in the end